Oakville Presbyterian Church presents
a free, 4-Session Marriage Seminar called

Marital Arts – Four Essential Skills of Marriage

April 23th, April 30th, May 7th, May 21th
6:30 – 8:00 PM

Registration is required

This FREE Seminar will by taught by Vince and Angela Schwindt, of Friends of the Family.

The 4-session series of classes includes teaching, handouts, and exercises on the subjects of :

  • Expectations
  • Communications
  • Problem Solving
  • Forgiveness

Investing in your relationship is an investment worth making – when you and your partner are both committed to nurturing it, the rewards can be immense. These seminars provide valuable resources and techniques to help make that journey easier.

Registration is required to prepare enough materials for all participants.


  1. Fill out the registration form below and send it in.
  2. Be sure to mark your calendar with the dates and time.
  3. Invite other friends and family to join you for these free seminars.
Will you be attending?

We’re looking forward to seeing you at this exceptional opportunity to strengthen your marriage!