Stay informed and Up-to-date

The Oakville newsletter is distributed on a regular basis via email. It contains important information like the upcoming Sunday Worship Service information,, announcements of new Sunday School or Bible study classes, and updates on current events. You’ll also hear about special activities and opportunities to participate in at church or in the community. Subscribing to the The Oakville “Staying Informed” email list is one of the best ways to stay up-to-date with all that’s going on at Oakville!
Are you a faithful prayer warrior? We have a special Prayer Group email list which is published weekly and contains blessing and prayer requests shared with each other during our Worship Service.
How to receive the newsletters
In order to receive these regular messages, you need to contact the church office (see contact information at the bottom of this page) and ask to have your name and email address added to our mailing list.
Did you accidently unsubscribe?
Each email contains a link in it to update your preferences or unsubscribe from the list. If you inadvertently clicked on the “Unsubscribe from the list” link, you will need to contact the church office and let them now that you wish to continue to receive these messages.