Oakville Presbyterian Church is a
     Community that
          Follows Jesus
               Creates Disciples and
                    Serves God’s Kingdom

We invite you to join us every Sunday morning
  at 10:00 AM for our worship service.

Tuesday, Dec 24th at 7:00 pm

Join us Christmas Eve as we celebrate with readings, carols, and candles.

Reception following.

Who We are

Learn about our beliefs, church governance, ministry teams, staff, sacraments, and how to stay informed of current activities.

Oakville Presbyterian Church Easter Egg Hunt

What We Do

See our calendar of events, stay informed, and learn about our ministries to children, youth, and adults.

Ways To Help

Different ways you can contribute to the growth and operation of our church.

Volunteers Needed Image


Discover how Oakville is reaching out to both local partnership opportunities and global outreaches through its various individuals and organizations.

Our Community

We are a community-minded church that seeks to minister to the local community. Learn more about our Senior Lunch program, scholarship program, and other outreach programs.

Contact Us

29970 Church Rd
Shedd, OR 97377

(541) 758-0647

[email protected]

We invite you to look through our website for more information about us.

If you have questions, contact us!