Senior Luncheon
One of the monthly highlights for the senior citizens of our local community are the monthly luncheons hosted by Oakville Presbyterian Church. It’s a wonderful opportunity to eat good food and share good times. Visit the Senior Luncheon page for more information.
Vacation Bible School
Early in the summertime, right after school lets out, Oakville Presbyterian Church provides a week-long ministry of outreach to the local community geared towards teaching children about God and bringing local families together. To learn more about this year’s VBS, click the link below.
Oakville Youth Memorial Scholarship Foundation
Awarded annually for scholastic achievement, potential, or financial need, the scholarship is given to selected students who reside within the Oakville Parks and Recreation District or are active in the Oakville Presbyterian Church.

Graduating Class of 2020
We are proud of our graduates! Click the button to learn more about this year’s graduation high school, college and university graduates.