The office of Deacon as set forth in Scripture is one of compassion, concern for needs, and of serving others. Therefore, the first duty of the Deacon is sympathy and service. Historically, to this office has been given the duty of being the Church’s instrument for the ministry of compassion.

Book of Order, Chapter 9-12, page 20)

At Oakville Presbyterian, we have an elected Board of Deacons who minister with compassion to anyone in need, whether they are members of the church, visitors, neighbors, or other members of the community. Deacons meet on a monthly basis to determine how best to meet those needs. They receive care and prayer requests from those who themselves, or whose loved ones, are ill, or have special needs, and can refer people for pastoral care.

Deacons also offer practical, loving help. They telephone or visit people in need, particularly those who are homebound. It might be simply to check in on how someone is doing and see if there is any help that they may need. They can provide news of activities at Oakville Church or simply provide a listening ear and a friendly smile. Or it may be to answer a specific need, such as to write a letter, place a phone call, run shopping or other errands, feed or walk a pet, rearrange furniture, or assist with a change of accommodation. Deacons also receive requests for emergency short-term financial support that are considered on a case-by-case basis.