These are teams of volunteers that oversee and carry out different areas of ministry. Each of these vital areas of ministry are designed to help us grow in our faith and fulfill our calling as individual Christians and as a church (what the Bible calls the Body of Christ). Each Ministry Team is led by a Team Leader, which is an Elder currently serving on Session.

As individual Christians, we are all called together as the Body of Christ to use our gifts to build up the Body. If there is a particular area of ministry that you would like to be involved in, contact the church office and we will arrange to have that Team Leader connect with you.

Christian Education

The purpose of Christian Education is to teach the Word of God to all people so that they may be equipped to live for Christ through discipleship and service. The Christian Education Ministry Team provides educational opportunities for all age groups. Scripture is emphasized in all of our programs, and we seek to better understand God’s word and apply it to our lives.


The Facilities Team oversees the maintenance and repair of the physical buildings and grounds of the church and manse. Work Days are scheduled periodically (usually in the Spring and the Fall) inviting everyone to help with outdoor and indoor projects. Occasionally, there are special projects scheduled. If you see something that needs attention, or would like to help with anything around the buildings and grounds, contact the church or the Facilities Team Leader.


The purpose of the Fellowship Team is to organize and host events that bring all ages of the Church Family together to grow in their relationships with one another and experience true Christian Fellowship. A variety of activities are offered throughout the year and draw together church members and community members to experience a strong sense of community.


There are several ministries, both locally and globally that  Oakville Church supports on a regular basis. The  Mission Team  helps decide which mission organizations the Church should support, and to keep the congregation informed on what exactly these organizations do, and how they can be involved with these organizations both financially and in other ways.  Perhaps there is a particular need or ministry that you have a heart for. Contact the church or the Missions Team Leader to get involved in reaching out with the good news in word and in deed.

Music and Worship

Worship is at the core of who we are as a church family. The purpose and mission of the Music and Worship Team is to create a worship environment that enables our church family to commune with God through proclamation of the Word, prayer, music, liturgy, and sacraments. In addition to our Sunday morning worship there are special worship services for special seasons in the Christian year. All worship is directed to God and is biblically based and Christ centered. If you have a musical talent you would like to share or are willing to help as an usher, worship leader, or Children’s Church volunteer, contact the church or the Music & Worship Team Leader.


There are many who do not know the Good News of Jesus Christ and the blessings of being part of  a church family. The Outreach Team helps “get the word out” into the surrounding community about our ministry at Oakville Church (through the newsletter, emails, website updates, special mailings, and Face Book posts). We are looking for ways to connect with the surrounding community by serving and sharing with others in an effort to fulfill the Great Commission to make disciples of all lives.

Current List of Team Leaders (Elders)

The list of Team Leaders is password protected. If you have a legitimate need to access this information, please email the church at [email protected] to request the password.